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Sign Pay

Sign Pay

Accept card payments in seconds! Enter the amount, tap the card, Done.

The Sign Pay app is a free Android app that allows users to receive card payments using just their smartphone. No widgets or doo-dads needed. No cables, dongles or special hardware required. Tap your phone to accept payments, no card reader.

Say goodbye to outdated technology. Receive card payments in seconds!

Enter the amount, tap the card, Concares rummyluído.

Accept contactless payments in 3 easy steps:

1. Create an account or log in to your account with username and password.

2. Enter the sale amount.

3. Tap the cardholder's card or NFC-based mobile wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay.

And that!

- "Tap on Phone" feature requires Android 8.0 and above, NFC enabled device.

Create a link and get paid quickly:

Create your payment link, share it via email, SMS, social media or invoice with anyone from anywhere and get paid in minutes. Start accepting payments through your own payment page.

Full details at

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